Always in the mood to work
What can you do with cobots? Anything you imagine and need. It can pack boxes in the morning and assemble products in the afternoon. Thanks to its built-in safety devices, a cobot can work next to and with the employee.

Collaboration with humans

Cobots are programmed in such a way that they will work as a partner for the employee (cobot = COllaborative roBOT). They will make sure that people can focus on more complex tasks, while the cobot takes care of the simple and repetitive tasks that are often boring or ergonomically unfriendly for the operators. This makes the operator more effective, and happier!

Collaboration with humans

Cobots are programmed in such a way that they will work as a partner for the employee (cobot = COllaborative roBOT). They will make sure that people can focus on more complex tasks, while the cobot takes care of the simple and repetitive tasks that are often boring or ergonomically unfriendly for the operators. This makes the operator more effective, and happier!

Ease of use

Cobots are very straightforward to use. Any employee will be able to operate a cobot, regardless of how much technical experience they have. Cobots are also very easy to program. It doesn’t require advanced programming skills – the employees will be able to reprogram the cobot anytime they want via a touch screen. They can be “trained” by manually moving the robot arm towards the desired positions and guiding the cobot in this way through a process that needs to be programmed. The cobot will then repeat this task over and over again without a single complaint!

Ease of use

Cobots are very straightforward to use. Any employee will be able to operate a cobot, regardless of how much technical experience they have. Cobots are also very easy to program. It doesn’t require advanced programming skills – the employees will be able to reprogram the cobot anytime they want via a touch screen. They can be “trained” by manually moving the robot arm towards the desired positions and guiding the cobot in this way through a process that needs to be programmed. The cobot will then repeat this task over and over again without a single complaint!

Fast setup and implementation

The setup for a cobot is very short. Changing a gripper or a program is easy to learn and can be performed by any employee who is currently involved in the set-up of a line. This increases the uptime of a line and lowers the dependency of a highly skilled engineer. After a short training, your employees will be able to create a new program for the cobot themselves. In case you need assistance, of course we’re there!

Fast setup and implementation

The setup for a cobot is very short. Changing a gripper or a program is easy to learn and can be performed by any employee who is currently involved in the set-up of a line. This increases the uptime of a line and lowers the dependency of a highly skilled engineer. After a short training, your employees will be able to create a new program for the cobot themselves. In case you need assistance, of course we’re there!

Increased productivity

Cobots minimize errors and are happy to work 24/7 on dull and repetitive tasks. Your employees can focus on tasks that need human brains. Because of that, cobots will increase productivity and boost the happiness and motivation of your employees.

Increased productivity

Cobots minimize errors and are happy to work 24/7 on dull and repetitive tasks. Your employees can focus on tasks that need human brains. Because of that, cobots will increase productivity and boost the happiness and motivation of your employees.

Flexibility and functionality

Cobots can be moved around the facility for performing different tasks or working on different production lines, or stay at one spot and perform repetitive tasks. Because of that, they are very flexible and can be used in almost any industry.

Flexibility and functionality

Cobots can be moved around the facility for performing different tasks or working on different production lines, or stay at one spot and perform repetitive tasks. Because of that, they are very flexible and can be used in almost any industry.

Increased safety

Cobots are ideal to be used in close contact with workers in a completely safe way. No fenced areas are needed for the cobot to work. Thanks to their advanced sensors they will identify people as soon as they get too close to the cobot and will automatically slow down or stop performing.

Increased safety

Cobots are ideal to be used in close contact with workers in a completely safe way. No fenced areas are needed for the cobot to work. Thanks to their advanced sensors they will identify people as soon as they get too close to the cobot and will automatically slow down or stop performing.

Cost Effectiveness

Although implementing a cobot requires an investment, it will pay off very soon. With a cobot, you can expect your ROI to come in months, rather than years. They represent a great way to improve the productivity of a process while saving money in the long run.

Cost Effectiveness

Although implementing a cobot requires an investment, it will pay off very soon. With a cobot, you can expect your ROI to come in months, rather than years. They represent a great way to improve the productivity of a process while saving money in the long run.
For more information please contact us – our experts are more than happy to explain everything and to identify opportunities for you to automate processes!